It makes a whole lot of difference. By photoreading the book in photofocus before trying to activate you are more easily able to focus on the answers to the question. In photofocus you have read the whole book super fast. Sa now whatever questions you form you are able to locate the answer in the book much faster.

You activate it to make it become conscious knowledge because ironically inwardly you already know the answer after having photoread it.

For me the proof that photofocus part of photoreading is the most important part has been my accidental learning. I photoread a whole series of web pages in photofocus looking for information about a specific topic. This allowed me to hone in on the information I was seeking. However the pages that I viewed had a lot of other useful information the I was not consciously seeking. It was only later that I realised how I obtained so much information on the topic.

I have also applied the Photofocus part of photoreading to books for direct learning. Only photoreading the book not activating them. From time to time I have been prompted to find out how I knew something and when I posed the question where did I learn that? I found myself picking up one of the books I direct learnt from and opening the page with the answer to my question.

It boils down to the fact that Photoreading in photofocus does imput the information in your mind. The manual activation techniques just brings it to the conscious mind.

Using superreading and dipping just to hunt through the book without photoreading it first is driving into a new town and looking for the bakery. If you don't know what street it's on how much longer is it going to take you to find it.

By photoreading the book before activation it becomes like having a map of the area that tells you what store is where. You ask where the bakery is and the map shows you... you just drive to the spot on the map and there is what you are looking for.

Yoo do in fact photoread 25,000 words a minute on average and you have in fact inputted the information on your mind when you do this. The conscious understanding of the information is gained through activation. That's why with practice the information comes to you faster and faster.

I have photoread a book with the intent of obtaining certain information from it quickly. Within 3 minutes of photoreading the book I was applying the knowledge and now have it in my long tern memory. Because I photoread the book my mind was able to pinpoint the important pages to me for this project. Had I tried to regular read or hunt and peck for the information in this 200 page book I'd have had to spend at least 30 minutes on it.I know from my past past experience in similar situations.


[This message has been edited by AlexK (edited September 14, 2002).]