More that Peter wrote:

Hello. My name is Peter Bissonette, president of Learning Strategies Corporation. I am fortunate, because I know how to do something that may cause you to salivate. I can consume vast amounts of printed information with the same ease as drinking water. And, if you are willing, I can easily teach you.

(now isn't that bogus? Consume vast amounts of information at the same ease as drinking water? When I first read this I believed because I know that threre are things in this world that cannot be explained without experiance and now that I have actually bought the course this I know is an advertising gimmic. Why does a course of 8 tapes cost $245 when most of the tape contain a bunch of nonesense long pauses and the sound of the ocean to teach techniques that I could teach in an hour or less. Mind mapping all that garbage. It's rather simple... if it is all that great why don't they sell it for a reasonable price, like as costly as it is to make the tape plus $100 for profits?? say $120 at max...

Portions of what you are about to read will probably seem beyond belief. Let me assure you it is all true. And, if it is true for someone, then maybe it can be true for you. I just ask that you humor me and read this entire letter that begins on the next page if for no other reason than to see what the commotion is about.

(it didn't seem so unbeleivable untill I bought it.)

And you can use PhotoReading on all types of material and on all subjects from gardening to geophysics, philosophy to calculus, computer manuals to the morning newspaper.

(too time consuming to read a newspaper and activate, I will beat you by normal reading and who wants to remove the pleasure in reading every detail instead of having the sense of incompletion and have really no clue what the article was about?)

You will find the benefits of the course to be worth your investment of time and money.

(I have bought the course and have not seen the benefits of the course and not found it to be worth the time or money)

Think and reflect if you can...