A big city like Ottawa would be good for a convention as it probably has the population and the educational level overall should be fairly higher than most cities. But the PR community as a whole (even stateside) is still relatively small. We Canucks will need to pool our resources nationaly for a few good resons: We can display Canadian third party resources for Photoreading and related subjects, with big participant numbers we can attract the big names in Photoreading (you know who I mean!), no exchange rate on the dollar killing our pocket books,.... the list goes on.( And of course it should open to all IAM2! sheeeesh! )
It's a good idea for a lot of good reasons, but we just need to find a way to do it.

[This message has been edited by focuskid (edited October 09, 2002).]

[This message has been edited by focuskid (edited October 09, 2002).]