I was able to find a book called "How To Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci." Amazing. For the other ancilliary book, I choose a book on the inventions of the Da Vinci.

About 2/5 through the fourth book, my internal chanting "4-3-2-1, keep-the-state, see-the-page" started to echo with a voice I knew was Leonardo's. (Well, it was the voice of Rhys Davis, who played Leonardo on Voyager). I imagined him standing behind me and holding my Tagerine in place. MUCH more effective than just imagining a Tangerine. I tend to forget the Tangerine, but hearing Leonardo's voice reminded me to concentrate on the Tangerine he was holding. I think he ate it when I was done, but I wasn't looking.

Because we're part of each other, he reviewed my existing knowledge and recommended Buckminster Fuller as the second member of the Council. He also recommended that each of us choose some sort of symbolic artifact that can represent us in our dreams, so we summon each other when needed. Mine is any sort of fox. (My last name is Fox), and his is the Mona Lisa, or any reproduction thereof.