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#35205 02/25/03 12:17 AM
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I had photoread(the whole system) a book following all steps for class, and I believe it failed me....I know if you think you did it wrong, then your doing it wrong, but at the time I thought I was doing it right. I got a 56 on the quiz. Shows what I know.

[This message has been edited by superman857 (edited February 24, 2003).]

#35206 02/25/03 12:24 AM
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Dude, your the same as me. You can't expect yourself to be uber smart or spontenous activation will make you see halos around the right answer. Example...Given a country with starving people. You have all the food that will relieve these people but you don't. Instead, you think that by just having the food you people will be feed. PR doesn't mean JUST the flipping page. READ THE BOOK FOR PR!!! Stop being a n00bie like I once was and WORK. Your not at a level where you can feel like some steps of the system are not applicable to you. Being "white belt" to PR, you HAVE to DO ALL THE STEPS. I find that by doing what AlexK and other excellent PR tell me to do really helps to integrate the system. READ your PR book, or Superread and Dip it for your purpose of finding out WHY you think PR failed you. The Teacher doesn't fail you; lack of effort fails one's purpose and goal. Until Paul or Pete releases some way to logically process the PR material in seconds from subconious mind to conciously activate it like magic, DO ALL THE STEPS OF THE SYSTEM!!!

Just an advice from another incomptent newbie.

Also, I can sympathize with you on failing Quizes and tests due to lack of effort with the system. Some people tend to learn from pain, but avoid getting your head cut off. Again, I cannot stress how much info is in the PR book. S+D the chapter on studying for tests, it's clear and concise and followed with a good procedure.

Post anymore problems that you experience regarding the system.

[This message has been edited by Chang Liu (edited February 24, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by Dana Hanson (edited February 25, 2003).]

#35207 02/25/03 12:48 AM
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I dont think its a matter of effort, or a matter of just PR the book. I PRed the book, went through it in a few sessions, followed the steps, and got a 56. That isn't a great grade, or anywhere close. On average I would get a 90 or higher in the class on assignments. A 56 is pretty far from that. I have spent time and effort trying the system, done the steps, done a few sessions for the book, but still failed. Things like this make it hard to go and try the system again really, because I can't risk dropping my average in the class. Sure, there is the option of PR a book for pleasure and see if I can get anything out of it, but it can't compare to having to read the book, not knowing what to expect on a test, and take the test with questions that you do not know were on there. Im pretty sure that if I had known the questions and what to expect on the test, I could have made a perfectly fine grade on it! my school we dont get that benefit. It was a quotations test, all I knew was to look for quotes, important quotes, try and make connections and how people are so I could figure out a quote without actually knowing who had said it, but I only got about half of them right, and they were most likely the ones I had dipped straight into and read "This dude said this"

#35208 02/25/03 12:57 AM
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Your driving a Ferrari with Training wheels. You can't expect to hit the highway until you manage to shift the gears like a pro. I never risked PR on things that I couldn't normally handle. As for quote quiz, I usually savior the Shakespearean plays or plays in generals as an assument for my mind. PR is for you to use, don't use it if you don't feel comfortable. I'm not saying don't PR. I PRed my Frankenstein chapters 1-5 for english ( I already read it before) and aced it. I READ it already before so this is more of stimulating old thoughts, surprisingly it turned out great. Your new to PR, stress and frustration leds to Worthlessness of the system. Do what you like, I don't want to "shift my opinion onto others". I recommend you to work with easier books and NOTICE the difference by written records of progress.

prepare-meditate-PR-relax-postview-pick trigger words-activate and all it's steps-rapid read if needed

more you activate, the more neuronetwork connects from otherthan concious to concious. More means better and then you can achieve your goal with greater success.

#35209 02/25/03 02:48 AM
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Quotation quizzes test how well you memorized the text, which is just wrong. Your best bet is to do one activation session and then rapid read/normal read.

#35210 02/25/03 03:18 AM
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normal reading defeast the purpose of utilizing PR. Quotation quizzes are like all quizzes, they test knowledge. Study and adapt. But never say you know something without concrete evidence and backup of your understanding. I tend to prove that with a good Mind Map; gathers my thoughts and gives a good feeling of accomplishment.

MM is freaking Awesome! Mental image to paper is one of the beauties of the system.

regarding your title "I think it failed me"

in that sense, I think AlexK and forum "failed me". They told me **** and I didn't do it right or study. Well well, who to blame... who to blame. Your the one who trust PR to work. If you sincerely knew the stuff, then with a test can PROVE that and not show that your a complete idiot. Work on it man, use little bit less stressful books. Lesure reading, outside studies, etc etc.

[This message has been edited by Chang Liu (edited February 24, 2003).]

#35211 02/25/03 03:39 AM
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How muct time did you actually spend activating the book?

Over how many days?

Did you Photoread the book daily for a week or 2? (An activity that helps with study material)

Did you build your mind map with each activation pass?

How much times did you spend becoming familar with the names of the people in relation to the quotes? While the quotes themselves attach readily to your memory threads - names of people that you don't know or cannot pronounce are difficult to pull up. Ever had the name of a person you knew on the tip of your tongue but couldn't remember it till later? So you would have had to create an identity for these people in order to link the quotes to them.

A beginner often makes the common mistake of rushing the comprehension with one or 2 activation passes when the study material requires 6 to 8. So a rapid read is highly recommended, it helps you to note information that you would have liked to have picked up during SR & dipping. It's training, during a rapid read you want to be saying hey that information I would have liked to have found. So you mind knows in the future. Afterall you are still developing the body mind connections learning to recognise your cues; remember to go easy on yourself if you discovered you missed stuff during a rapid read.

Study material, related to learning, realisticly will still take more activation time than reading for self interest. It appears to be quite common that most textbooks *never* get enough attention with regular reading and a lot remains unread. So spending 3 hours with a textbook (lot left unread) and get poor grades. Spend 3 hours using the photoreading system get through the whole textbook and see the grades improve.

The biggest part about learning for test, is memory. That's why you need to create good mind maps of what you studied. What you photoread goes into your memory alright. It's the art of bringing it to conscious memory reliably that takes the preparation when you are studying. It to help pull it out to your conscious memory Mind Maps are like labels on containers that reminds what's in there. Making it easier to pull the right information from the mind at the right time. This also helps develop your body mind connection towards the experiences of spontaneous activation.

So check that your method, affirmations and purpose for reading are properly defined.

Apply it to reading for self interest subjects and experience the feeling of having a book 'gel' fully a few times. Non school related books are better for this because it removes the nagging fear/doubts of "I have to get this right".

Once you've activated a few books like this and experienced them 'gelling fully', you can recognise your cues better with textbooks; that the uncertainty, is in fact a message that you haven't done enough activation and not just a fear that you haven't got the system working yet. Though activating a few books you gain experience recognising your body mind cues and that helps you when you are sitting for a test too; knowing when your are perceiving the right answer.


#35212 02/25/03 03:52 AM
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Good point. SEE the difference. Graph a chart or allocate the same variables of time spent towards your studies with and without PR.

Stay with it even when it seems hopeless. Winners never quit, quietters never win. If you give up soo soon, then you'll just fall like rest of people who switch to speedreading or just give up.

Forum is for help, most people do a last remark on how they failed and quits. I'd stay away from a while to see some change in reading or not reading the forums. Definity spend more time so PR can glue to your needs.

Again, listen to AlexK. He is more knowledgable and wise than rest of us beginners.

#35213 02/26/03 04:00 AM
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The more you do this, does your mind physically make connections between one part of your brain and the other? Also, I doubt it would have taken 6-8 sessions, simply because it wasnt that long of a book. if they are 30 minute sessions that would be 3-4 hours and that would probably be the normal reading time for the book. Maybe I didn't do enough sessions though, im not sure. And I don't completely understand mind mapping.

#35214 02/26/03 06:06 AM
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Look at spending approximately 1/3 to 1/2 the time you would use for regular reading on that type of book. In all probability you would go through that book from cover to cover 4 times if you want a good recall of the quotes.

What it feels like to have a book gel is probably unique experience for each person (same as eating an apple ) On the whole though you 'know' you got it all, you satisfied you 'purpose'. This is why you need to be able to state your purpose when you start.

This is the best site I found that explains mind mapping.

The thing to remember about mind mapping is that it is creative. It really is something that needs to be approached with the sense of play or game. Humour and corny makes your triggers on the mind map more memorable.


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