Originally posted by confused:
i am a new user to the photoreading system, and i faced some difficulty towards the step of activation.
one of the difficulties is that i do not know how to activate certain books when let's say, encyclopedias, every page has important points, and superreading allows us only to turn to certain pages according to our intuition and then dip from there. can somebody explain to me the step of activating, maybe as simply as possible, cos i find that the book and the tapes don't seem to cover in too great a detail about this step. and when that somebody explain this step to me, can you do it as in the case of PRing books like encyclopedias or very informative books, in which i will like a pretty high level of comprehension.

Tape 2, tape 4, tape 5, and tape 6 all address activation. Do the exercises along with the tapes as described.

Learn the system on regular books first if you really want to be sure you get the level of comprehension you desire. Remember to establish your purpose. Without a purpose you cannot know when you have reached the level of comprehension you desire.

Textbooks - treat each chapter as a book in itself. Stay with on chapter until fully activated for you.

Enclyopaedias - are a collection of articles. Use the technique for activating articles. Activate each until you have the level of comprehension you desire.(Though shorter than books and chapters you still treat them like a book in itself).

and superreading allows us only to turn to certain pages according to our intuition and then dip from there.

Where on earth is that written? Superread and dip from where ever... usually your intuition will guide you to the fastest point where you find your answer (it could be in the middle of an article rather than the beginning but you can still start at the beginning if that's is what you feel guided to do). For textbooks one activation pass of 30 minutes from front of the book to the back is recommended. To help gain a familarity of the book.

Make sure you have a clear purpose when activating. You'll probably have to state a purpose for each article in the enclyopaedia.

Again I suggest you learn the system on some regular 250 to 300 page non fiction books. Apply the 5 day test on a few books until you feel comfortable with the system.
