Originally posted by astrowill:
I made some attempts at it. I would photoread a book and in the following days try to achieve lucid dreaming. Upon "waking up" in a dream, I would ask myself, "so what's that book about?" It never worked. Youngprer, have you been successful with it?

So far, not directly, no. However, book's content has showed up in my dreams after PRing it before going to sleep. AlexK has also reported PRing stuff showing up. In one recent dream, I was speaking complete Spanish, and I'd not learned much of any Spanish at all, but had PRed many books on it. This means that the concept of being able to design platforms for dream environments and then exploring them without conscious knowledge is possible, like what my group LGG is trying to achieve. (http://www.geocities.com/doc5587/lgg/home.htm)

I've learned that there's a lot of factors that go into the process of getting the information from the book. One is perception, another is expectation, which link up hand in hand. If you expect it to be laid out in front of you in an image-like, or symbolic form, that might work. On the other hand, if you're expecting to just know that much information at once automatically into your conscious recognition, that's not going to work, because the conscious is the conscious and it's always going to be limited, whether you're dreaming or not. You can access the subconscious while dreaming, but consciously, you still have to worry about taking in only 7 things at once. I could be wrong about this, because of the altered states of consciousness, as well as the speed of dreams in relation to real-time, and if I am, correct me. This is one principle that LGG is going off of in its experiments, and its an important one.
