Originally posted by guevara:
is lucid dreaming affective in activation ?
does anyone activate by it and go to exams and got A plus
i still not having my first lucid dream but i am trying

I think what Alex is trying to explain, if you read the first part, is that Lucid Dreaming can be a very fun, interesting and creative tool for activation.

However, it's much more "satisfying" as she said to just activate. Plus, you will get much more out of 15 minutes activating a book than a 15 minute Lucid Dream.

What I think the appeal is to Lucid Dreaming is that people think, "Hey I can just photoread this, go to sleep and wake up with full conscious comprehension and do no work." You HAVE to get your mind fully engaged and make it curious to find the information you need through activation - there is no magic formula of using Lucid Dreaming instead of activation.

I would suggest focusing more on using the system as much as possible rather than devoting all of your energy to Lucid Dreaming. As Alex said above, the only way you can get faster is by using the system.

While I have had many dreams involving the material I phtoready, I do not rely on it to get an "A+" on a test or anything like that. It is simply a way to get more in depth with the material and give your inner mind more time to play around with it.

Furthermore, when you're focus is on grades alone (a big problem with our modern education system, in my opinion) you might get tense, feel you need to see results and not relax and get curious with the book.

Learn the system by playing with it, I think that is some of the best advice to follow. Scheele always writes/says that PR-ing is full of paradoxes; to get the most out of the system you have to be easier on yourself and "let go."