While doing the photoreading step, it is considered judicious to distract the conscious mind to get it out of the way so that the subconscious can do it's "thang" (something like getting the passengers to play the alphabet game so that the driver doesn't have to listen to nagging, thus relax, thus do a better job driving... right? )

So: How well do we occupy the conscious mind?

Should we give it strenuous tasks such as
- calculating the squares of five digit numbers and the integral of sec(x)^4
- reciting monologues and poetry that you have to think really hard at to remember
- imagining a conversation in a language that you speak fairly well but not quite fluently
... and stuff like that

or should it be more "rote" type distractions:
- nursery rhymes that you remember from way back
- the seven times table
- your telephone number (over and over again)
- simple chanting
... or something like that?

Would it be useful to let your mind wander "purposefully" - i.e. decide that you will let it wander in that direction, and always staying within certain boundaries or on a certain subject, or solving a simple puzzle or brainstorming on a problem/challenge that is unrelated to what you are reading?

Does anyone have any experience with this? Have any of you experimented? Any theories on what "should be" right, if any one type of distraction is preferable to another?
