Hi, Theerapun,

What you describe reminds a lot what I've gone through... It's a nuisance being conscious while falling asleep!

About the negative selftalk, here are some effective ways to deal with it (good old nlp learned straight from the origin, RB himself):

Change the tone of the negative self-talk. It's your brain, you talking, and you can change it. No one else can!! Make it sound like Mickey Mouse or the sexiest voice you have ever heard and listen how the message changes. Move the voice left in front of you (50-100 cm away) at the eye-level and listen it from there. Sounds silly, eh?

Now, that you have gained some confidence in having power over your self-talk, you can make the voice to help you fall asleep. Make the voice speak slower.... and slower... and slower... until it sounds like a recording that is played with only 10% of the normal speed. How does that feel? Isn't it making you feel relaxed, drowsy, wanting to close your eyes... etc. If you continue this long enough (1-5 min) while falling asleep, you are sure to sleep quickly! And the best point to you is: YOU CAN DO IT ALL CONSCIOUSLY! And puff, fall asleep just like that!

It may be, that you have some internal images also, while falling asleep (people usually do have) and the thing to with them is: make the motion in the image slower, make the images dim, grey and distant, ... Some other images may emerge, but do the same with them, again and again... And this can also be done consciously!

Maybe the most important thing is to really WANT TO SLEEP, not to worry about being awake or listening to the self-talk. You see, the brain does what you are concentrating on! If you are concentrating on being awake (by worrying about it) THAT'S WHAT WILL HAPPEN! Instead concentrate on the previous time when you were able to fall asleep easily. When was it, how did you look like then, how did you feel like, what you heard, smelled, tasted... associate to the memory. That's how you tell your brain: THIS IS WHAT I WANT. DO THIS. -And your brain does it!

Please do tell us how you are progressing. -P