Learninator, I found your posts childish and displaying frustration and confusion. You directly attacked photoread4me when he was only defending someone he respects. Many people who reviewed on amazon.com were probably expecting too much in a short time. LSC does make big boasts, but what's wrong with that? IT WORKS. LSC, as far as I know, hasn't lied about photoreading and its possibilities. People expect everything to be easy and take no effort.
I wonder if you've read the book. I would suggest reading it before doubting based on someone elses opinion. You won't trust any of our opinions, so why do you jump to accept the amazon.com reviews? The book clearly explains how learning occurs. This should be sufficient to disable many bad reviews. When a child learns to walk, it takes many months of dedicated effort. Don't you think that reaching into the inner recesses of the inner mind should be easier? Put the time and effort into it that a child puts into walking or reading, then tell me if you fail. Ask around, if you find more than a few people on this forum that can photoread and learned it from this company, then you should have no problem believing that it can work for you. These people are nothing special except that they TRIED it. Now they're in the reading and learning elite of the world. They weren't born with photographic memories any greater than the one you posess. You can photoread just as well as anyone here can, but it takes effort and time to wake up that 90+ % of the brain. It took long enough to reach the amount you use now.