I have to throw in my two bits.
People when they can't get something to work as fast or as well as they want it to tend to blame the machine, method or whatever it is they are using or trying to do. This is espcially when it comes to learning something that is out of the box in thinking and it requires a paradigm shift in patience and beliefs. I now after 2 years was finally able to get to a satisfactory point with photoreading. I realize that I will not be able to PR like Pete unless I take all the time he did etc. But saying that doesn't mean I didn't expect something miraculous when I started. There has always been people who will say you can't even in the face of plain and straightforward evidence. I read the amazon reviews a while ago they did upset me, but I was desperate enough to stick with the system. My success with anything, especially photoreading, is dependent on me not anyone else period. If you want to learn PR do it daily for months and after 3-6 months you will wonder why everyone else reads so slow. At least that is what happened to me. All of my family and friends now think I can but they can't when it comes to PR. Success at Photoreading is the best way to overcome negative opinions. The Photoreading Whole Mind System does work, but you need to use all of the system and not just PR a few times and expect to know the book(s) at 70% or better comprehension.

Also remember if everyone PRed it wouldn't be the great advantage that it is/ can be.

Thanks for all of the varying opinions,