Yes, it is potentially VERY dangerous--there are a few websites out there that talk about horror stories.

But, I would never let this deter me.

The rewards are vast.

Also, it is true that you have to "allow" the bioenergy to rise and explode, but there are any number of things you can do to amass gross bioelectricity. (Chief among them is to abstain from ejaculation for many months.)

TDA Lingo writes:

Traditionally, this experience follows intense religious practice or long periods of reflection or meditation, and may only come unpredictably after years or decades of work. In contrast, brain lab participants routinely reported this experience after from two weeks to three years of personal self-therapy and brain study. The conclusion has been that one can follow a procedure that predictably causes the experience to happen, and that it is based on self-stimulation and control of certain definable brain organs and processes.


I surmise that the western scientific term, "Kindling", is the same as "Kundalini".

Neil Slade and TDA Lingo use the imagination to stimulate the anterior amygdala and shunt bioenergy into your frontal lobes--this is the physiological process that brings about the Nirvana experience.

I see two things wrong with this.

First, he is starting from the brain rather than the base of the spine. It's backwards. I surmise that a kundalini awakening caused by brain chi increase would be short-lived, because it is unconnected to "the source" of bioenergy or "sea of chi" in your lower abdomen.

In other words, the length and depth of your awakening is dependent upon you shunting bioenergy into your frontal lobes with your imagination rather than simply taking the cosmic power plug of the sacrum and plugging it into the electric outlet in the back of your skull. In the first instance, your must create the energy at the strategic point in the brain. In the second instance, the universe reams energy into you in spite of yourself.

Second, ... I surmise that there are quicker and more efficient ways to energize the frontal lobes (whether top-down or bottom-up) than with just the imagination. The imagination technique costs nothing and is available to each and every person right now, which may be why Lingo's research dealt with it as the sole means.