Hmmm. Hmmm. Hmmm.



"Ordinarily it takes a long time to create a fire by rubbing sticks together but if someone else already has a fire then that fire can be used to ignite another fire. Similarly to make a magnet naturally may require thousands of years but if one already has a magnet then a metal can easily be magnetized using the magnet."

Shaktipat. The instanteous awakening of the kundalini by a Kundalini master.

The above link reminds me of phone sex for some reason. Instead of a genital orgasm, you get a full body orgasm!! (and for just $75!!)

A Temmo Reiki practitioner can also awaken the kundalini within a few minutes.

This is different/odd/cooler because the claim is that the master can send awaken it within you anywhere in the world.

I should be more skeptical, but I believe.

I know that reiki and qigong masters can send healing energy to anyone with the right intention, regardless of distance. I didn't know you could send kundalini though!!

If this is true... THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!! I mean, this would spell the death of the self-improvement industry!!

I need to start a guru employment agency. They could man a bank of phones and people would call the number in back of pornographic magazines for full body orgasms, just 4.99/min.


95% of you will think this is absolute twaddle. But I'm gonna give it a go.

Maybe so, maybe not, who knows? You just never know... till you try.