
I read your thread here about being depressed. I have suffered from depression for many years myself, and have done my rounds of therapy and anti-depressant drugs. I have also been a meditator for 20 years, using many different methodologies, including Holosync.

Lately I have discovered the work of Byron Katie. She uses a form of inquiry to question the beliefs one holds that are what one reacts to that makes one depressed. I find her work simple and miraculous, and it may be something you would like to check out. The best way is to hear her work with others on tape, and then when you get the ideas, you can start doing it for yourself.

On her website, there are audio samples, as well as worksheets ( She says that people may distribute her work for free with no copyright violations, so if you want to hear a copy of her tape, I will make you one and send it to you, if can't afford one for yourself. Just send me your mailing address.

With all the help that's currently available, there is no reason that depression need continue on our planet. When you see the belief you are holding that is making you depressed, and begin to question it, it becomes funny. That which formerly depressed us, now makes us laugh. This is what happens during her process of inquiry, and you have to hear her do it to understand what I am talking about. It is quite amazing. Give it a shot, and let me know how it works out.
