Originally posted by read_it_soak_it:
Hi Friends ,
Q 1
Does PR bypass your conscious mind and lets data go directly to your sub-conscious through "photo" reading it ? And then you activate it through some techniques so that you consciously becoming aware of it ??

That's the aim. 90% of all learning takes place non consciously. It's usually once we stop grappling with the problems and "sleep on it" that we often find our answers, even understanding with what we are studying. PhotoReading aims to use that natural skill by allowing our mind to take in the written data before we start censoring and limiting our understanding of it. Regular reading is kind of like listening to a joke we think we understand and can guess where it's heading but often wind up having to correct our thinking because as we are listening we are comparing it with our knowledge base but the information really trying to tell us something differently. When we PhotoRead the material we have an internal knowledge that allows us to move faster to the correct information because we have been pre-exposed to it without conscious censorship.

Q2 : Like you said that some words pop up in your mind and you dont know where it came from ( of course due to photo reading the dictionary ), does this mean that you dont maintain a conscious awareness of the material you read with PR ? And that it just comes to you automatically when you need it ?

Once you activate it you have the same conscious awareness as you do with regular reading and it is often better. The 'spontaneous' activation is the information being made conscious. If you don't need the information you won't build a conscious awareness of it. Just like you don't need a conscious awareness of what you had for breakfast 21 July 1999. If you are PhotoReading for specific information for a specific use you will have the necessary conscious awarenes. You are in control of that you activate the material to the degree that satisfies you.

Please let me know. Its not that I am trying to analyze too much before even trying the course. But just that I am very curious. I really want this thing to work

Be warned the more you want something the more you want it your own way the harder it is to get it.

Because , if this works , one of my problems will be solved and I will get a rocket boost to my quest for self development. I've got so many books which I am sure will take me 3-4 years to read and many more which I am simply not buying just because I know I do not have the time to read.

PhotoReading doesn't do anything - you do... If PhotoReading works, then you managed to learn the system.


Thanks a lot !![/B][/QUOTE]