Need to keep an eye on that Monkey, hey? Now make 'em both work! LOL
I'd like to know what you think of the course. It got me out of serious depression since it really concentates on the emotions that we attach to thing/situation/people.


AlexK: The best way for me to compare NB to Sedona is that Sedona emphasizes working with your emotions in your conscious state far more than NB. NB follows a model (Release/Notice/Respond/Witness) and guides you through them. Although the course doesn't seem to go too deeply into each phase of the model, the paraliminal learning sessions are the other side of the conscioussness learning coin. I must say that I really liked this model and I'm still adding to it and tweaking it for my own needs (ei.: I've added Sedona techniques as part of the Releasing phase of NB.).