Does somebody have the same experience?

I Have used Paraliminals, Photoreading and other products from here for more than 5 years now...

I have noticed that I have become very sensitive to many things. Like using my intuition, at photoreading etc. I Can almost now feel where the information are in the books after i have photoread them.

And there is more.

I also got sensitive to films (drama, happy things - they actually make me cry or laugh!!! This is not normal!!!), I can easily get in the mood because i soak up so much at a time..

But the problem is: When I'm together with other people I quite easily get irritated by them, and just being together with some people can make me feel frustrated!! When I'm in the same room. Without talking to them! Not always, but sometimes.. Depending on the atmosphere there is there.

Is this not over the edge??? I think it's really great that I got so good at reading, thinking, problem solving, because I can feel so much, use my inituition etc. Make my life so much better. But how can I stop the negative sideeffects I feel when I'm together with People?? It's like when some one is in bad mood, I can almost feel it without they have said what's wrong! I Tried this here a couple of times: Then asked these people what's wrong. And there were actually something wrong! This is good. But it's not good if I'm in the cinema, and somebody sitting close to me is negative, then I have to change these feelings inside me (like using NLP),(change them) during the whole movie..

Or if I work and I'm in the same room with some one who is negative.. Then I have to deal with these feelings the whole day!! One single NLP-technique is not good here. Or a single paraliminal. Bacause the mood people are in are not always the same.

So how can I "shut off" the input in me of negative feelings from negative people? (Who put out negative energies...)

Any suggestions?