I don't know if anyone asked this before. Damn, with all intellecuals who have read billions of books and have some nose for business, somebody must have:

Why aren't Learning Strategies C not developing an interactive software?

I have my guesses. But in this busy world, it would be much fun to follow instructions from an interactive PC software, with flashing funny movies, and little games and exercises. I guess it would boost "is that the right word" the business. Instead of taking a five minuits to pause of the tape and to preview all alone, with all pencils and papers. The software pauses with a classical music, NO 70's sountrack, just Mozart. Keeping journals of your progress so that you can say proudly to yourself: Stheelders, today is day 365 with this software and now you have currently read 23000 wpm day 253. And then a flashy animations tell you "RECORD, CONGRATULATIONS". __>Do you wan't to join the tourny next week were you can win prizes, click here?. Thank you for registring .

Come on guys, new ideas. WE ARE ACTUALLY IN YEAR 2005. wake up, or you'll perish.

Is that much to ask?