As far as companies go, LSC have been rather progressive. Most companies are so conservative, it's a joke.

LSC has been moving in the direction of interactive software. They've played around with web based courses, teleseminars, and things of that ilk.

I am surprised that they haven't offered courses available through download online in MP3 format with the workbooks in .pdf format.

In the near future, they may.

However, there are serious limitations and problems with developing interactive software for the purposes of teaching the courses.

I believe a major reason they don't create interactive software is that the demand for it isn't that great, and as a teaching medium it provides limitations. You have to have a computer with you, for one thing.

Also, you learn by doing it, I don't think you need to sit at a computer for 200+ days to hone your skills. You just need books to photoread and a desire to do it.

I have been studying Game Design and Development in C++ for over two years now, and I am really uncertain as to how useful presenting photoreading in this format may be.

[This message has been edited by babayada (edited November 30, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by babayada (edited November 30, 2004).]