thats right babayada getting on the computer and NOT reading will not help you greatly
there will be some benefit but it may not last or be that great

i think it would be great if LSC had some interactive software but are they programmers? i do not know that much about them
Alex is the only one ive got the pleasure of knowing slightly here
great guy by the way
keep on rockin dude

i am a beginning programmer myself
i'd do this kind of software when im good enough
i think its great for people to learn these things
sometimes we need a little push to get running like slapping a horses behind (watch out BTW!!!)

i do not think LSC is in any bad position they have revolutionary products which the others are mostly just shades
i think we need to discuss
people get to in the doubting mood
it can be good but when you see people who do this stuff you know its not a scam but you just havent practiced yet
maybe they are doing it for a good reason
if they do not program this kind of stuff they would not feel like paying for programmers till there is more of a demand
also some feeback into knowing what we want
so they could modify the system to be scientific and work aswell as be fun

time will tell