there is no doubt that photoreading makes sense
but speedreading is essential at the beginning i think
the eyes are not at a great width of perception without something to help it
expecting photoreading to work straight away is a bit silly i think
i think accelerated learning states are a silly thought
perhaps usefull to start with but if you are really into having a balanced state to use it at any time it must not be some temporary condition
i find with my meditation (not the relaxing only type im talking real buddhist stuff lol not that it is only a buddhist method) i get into an aware state which concentrates me very well
gets me unstressed
i thinka minute or two closed eyes and deep breathing and just watching what is going on with the body mind feelings etc. can really help people get into the state
keeping it going is the tricky part
i think the real goal is to not need any activating stuff or even a need to reread once
only for say technical things or second languages and such
we cannot say either that any of these systems are complete
still poems photoread can not be like the real thing

and i didnt know Alex was a chick but i guess here in australia we do not make guy only mean for a man
bloke is a man and chick is a girl but guy can mean a group of girls men or both
learn something everyday do you not?