In the Huna system, there are three entities that make up the self. It's a bit like Egyptian mysticism, where the Ka is not the Ba. The "Low Self" is your instincts, involuntary muscles, memories and imagination. The "Middle Self" is your reason and direction. The "High Self" is harder to understand, but it's your most enlightened state of being. I believe it is essentially the same as "your highest good" as mentioned in the Personal Celebration series. Most Huna seems to assume that a person's identity is grounded in their middle self.

One thing I need to re-do, that I stumbled upon more as an occultist than as a NLPerson, is a combination of Deep Trance Identification and Modling, where you assume the qualities you want via a "merging" with something greater than yourself. If you've ever watched Deep Space 9, think of Dax. In order to do that, though, you have to be willing to let go of your self-identity.