I have been doing PR for almost a year, although the first few months, as many of the newcomers who post on this forum are. I was highly resistant to it, but in August 2004, I began to really grasp it and apply it. I am no longer a junior member, and feel I can answer your question? If you are not a STAR WARS fan, skip the next paragraph. All will be clear as you read on.

To answer that I will ask you if you saw the movie, STAR WARS in 1977, called Episode 4, A NEW HOPE. When young Luke Skywalker is attempting a technical aerospace maneuver to destroy a menacing super weapon called the DEATH STAR, his preconscious processor in the form of the voice of his "deceased" master/spirit guide says "LET GO! USE THE FORCE". Luke responds by turning off all his computers and goes with the flow.

What does this have to do with skittering and superreading, you ask? I have found, that when I PR something, as it was taught by Paul Scheele, I suddenly have new questions and motivation to pursue the material. I superread , as the force leads me. I skitter, as the force leads me. I relax and don't push, but let the trigger words leap out at me. I have had astonishing success with this system.