<<You really can't blame Photoreading if you are not even using the techniques & you definitely were not using the techniques when you don't even include one of the most critical, important techniques of all your purpose.>>

I realize this is important, and in fact I do not neglect this step. My purpose, of course, varies with the material. If I'm reading something for school, for instance, the purpose I articulate will be to read and understand the text well enough to teach it and if necessary generate class discussion. If, on the other hand, I am reading, say, a self-improvement book, my purpose will be to understand the ideas well enough to use them and apply them in my own life. And so on.

I ask (or jot down) mind-probing questions, usually at the same time I note (or jot down) keywords, sometimes during the preview if I am doing a longer preview (and no postview). Stating a purpose and asking questions and looking for keywords are not particularly mysterious to me, as I do this when I preview a text prior to reading (or speedreading) normally.

I didn't mean to imply that the technique wasn't working at all. After quite a bit of practice, though, I honestly cannot say it is any more effective than standard, multiple-pass speedreading techniques I have used.