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Great post there Coldrayne. I'm just wondering why in hell this info wasn't made offically clear before, its these simple things that could have saved me yet more time on wasted effort . Perhaps a mentioning in a future volume wouldnt go astray.

It is now clear that an emotive "will to need", is highly important, I presume this is where the power behind the "purpose" comes in. Which is somthing that along with activation still eludes me.

Does this mean the emotive need must be either out of a fear or out of a love of the material? so the same "need" to know basis for exams on uninteresting material in normal study is applied here.

Is it always necessary therefore to come up a with sentence or two for your pupose before beginning or can you simply rely on that emotive feeling?

[This message has been edited by hypertext (edited February 14, 2006).]

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Purpose is a mental idea. I can tell you my purpose for something and it will be logical. A need is emotional and drives you.

"The purpose of me following this diet is to lose fat, gain muscle and live a long and healthy life."

"Oh, my god, I NEED that pizza!!!!!!!!!"

That's the difference. Which is going to win. The answer is whichever is stronger but I guarantee you that if the purpose of the diet wins it's because it was translated into a feeling that was stronger than the need for the food.

The PR course covers purpose but it never mentions need or emotions or feelings. If you think that they ARE covered under the word "Purpose" then there you go, I'm wrong.

This is all just my opinion and it's what works for me. Personally, I don't preview, gather trigger words, do mind maps or any of that stuff.

I pick up a book and scan it. How do I feel about this book? How do I feel about the author? Should I spend time with this book or look for another one? If I get that positive feeling, like a warm feeling, I PR it, then superread and dip and I'm all done.

I should honestly shut up about this because the reason I come to this forum is to brush up on QiGong.

PR does work and if you can't get it to work, it's still faster than any method out there. PR at 10% is even better than everything else at 100%. Just keep going. There's no point in quiting. Quiters are losers. You already did the work, you bought the course or book, you know it. Maybe you're just too picky about what a result is. Maybe you're so identified with getting something to "work" that you forgot why you were reading in the first place.

Last year I took a break from all the "superachiever" stuff and thanks to (a sale at) Learning Strategies finally bit the bullet and got the QiGong course by Chunyi Lin and it was exactly the break that I needed. I've been playing with Lifeforce ever since and am not really even interested in books so much anymore. I've been playing with this energy everyday and now when I go back to trying to photoread my old way I just laugh because I'm much faster at it. Lin teaches to "call upon the masters energy" and now I do that with the books and it's like ten times easier.

Alex said "If you've ever flunked on a test even though you've read the book. You lacked a purpose for reading." I think this has more to do with blocked energy than anything else. If you've read the book then you've GOT it, whether you read it consciously or with the PR step. Just my opinion though.

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Hypertext, I forgot to answer your questions, sorry.

Does this mean the emotive need must be either out of a fear or out of a love of the material?

-That's going to happen all by itself. If you decide what it is, it's a mental purpose but as I said before, you can't fake feelings. Your feelings are what they are before you even pick up the book or take the class. I would say to "stretch out" with the feelings that you have for the information. If it's love or axiety, great, but if you honestly feel indifferent to it then just know in advance you had probably better consciously read it and do mind maps for memory. If you're indifferent then you aren't going to feel the information comming from you subconscious, that's all.

So the same "need" to know basis for exams on uninteresting material in normal study is applied here.

This really depends. Some students CARE about school and some don't. If you care, that's enough to learn a little better. That's a moot point though because you wouldn't be here if you didn't care. Students that don't care don't come here or buy courses.

Is it always necessary therefore to come up a with sentence or two for your pupose before beginning or can you simply rely on that emotive feeling?

Your purpose statement should be like focusing a lens on something that's already there. It should be something that puts you in a good state of mind and that makes your feelings stronger. If your feelings are so strong, you don't need a purpose. When I picked up the manual for QiGong for the first time I was so overwhelmed with curiousity and desire to know the information and use it that stating a purpose at this time would decrease my vibration I already had for the information. I would be switching from my heart energy and turning on my mind energy and in that case it would be a step back. But at other times it would be a step forward- like if you didn't really know yet how you would feel about knowing what's in the book the purpose statement may ignite that feeling. With every book it's different, so the results are going to be different.

I would say not to worry about it. For as long as it takes, just state your purpose and be done with it, if you feel you need to. If you don't, then don't. If you are emotionally attached to a subject you need no purpose. The purpose is the feeling. You feel it, you already got the vibe going and reading about it is only going to increase it.

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"The purpose of me following this diet is to lose fat, gain muscle and live a long and healthy life."

That's an ideal not a purpose.

]"Oh, my god, I NEED that pizza!!!!!!!!!"

Also an ideal until you decide to make it your purpose to eat a pizza to satisfy that need

Purpose is the explanation for your action. We ask why ARE you reading this book... so I can...

Purpose explains the reasoning behind your actions. Yep they can be emotional, often are on that I agree. I know when you've read some of my other post I've often pointed out merely wanting an isn't motivating enough for most people. Yes purpose needs motivation. That comes from emotion or heartfelt desire.

Alex said "If you've ever flunked on a test even though you've read the book. You lacked a purpose for reading." I think this has more to do with blocked energy than anything else. If you've read the book then you've GOT it, whether you read it consciously or with the PR step. Just my opinion though.

Lack of motivation. Unfortunately I know of too many who study hard but are failing miserably despite reading the text repeatedly even using the traditional method of reading. I know of one who had an overwhelming motivation to study hard and do well yet failed miserably. He was dismissed from the college for failing to reach the passing grade. Yet his emotions drove him to study. Yet when I asked him what is purpose for studying was he had none. Other than being emotionally driven to study he had no purpose. He didn't know what NEED he was trying to satisfy.

Purpose is finding. What is your motivation for reading, studying. If you don't feel motivated you don't have the purpose.

Hypertext I recommend Silva Ultramind ESP for working with the body mind connection.If you do a live seminar you'll experience your own ESP ability during the course. Also useful for entering the Accelerated Learning State.

Spring Forest Qigong is good as is Meditation systems high Higher Balance. If you haven't done meditation and would like to see progress the start with Silva. If you want to go the PSI way, Silva Ultramind ESP course. If you want to go the Self Help way the old Silva Method course.

In fact You'll find the Silva is mentioned in the PhotoReading book as is Qigong and meditation. (pages 102 - 103)


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I never said you don't need a purpose. But in reading your thoughts on this I guess I've always gotten that step wrong anyway.

Purpose is an intellectual idea. I never got PR to work until I used emotional intentions.

I don't even PR anymore. I think what I do could be called "assimilation" more than anything else. I just pick up a book, look at the title and name of the author, get a read on who he is, get an overall feeling about him, flip the book upside down and just turn the pages and "scan" them into the subconscious, turn it back over and scan it forward in a superread/dip/rapid read fashion and bingo, all done.

You could say that this is wrong but then again I read most books while standing in the bookstore. I can' t do a 30 minute activation session complete with mind maps and trigger questions there.

What's my purpose? To get the main points out of the book without having to buy it. Is it unethical? Well, I could order the book through the interlibrary loan department and they'd have to pay shipping on it which would maybe be slightly less than buying it off of so I guess in the grand scheme of things, it's not unethical.

If I find a book that blows me away- like Depock Chopra's "Ageless body, Timeless Mind, I read it very slowly, almost like poetry and program my dreams before I go to bed so I dream on the information.

PR and blast through what you need to do so that you can spend more time doing what you really like to do. Accomplish that alone and who cares if it "works" to your specifications or not. You got results.

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Thanks of the suggestions but I'm not touching any new age stuff until I master PR, there is simply no point wasting money on other NLP methods which I researched enough of .Second tapes do little to nothing for me , because I find them to be tacky salesmanship with condescending marketing techniques(especially silva). Even when they speak they just cant rub it off. I don't know, maybe its because I'm not american perhaps , but if I truely wanted to learn psi-stuff I'd study it directly off a guru, nuff said. I can mediate quite deeply without what I find ( annoying and quite subversive) "aphla training". But thats another story.

As for my purpose , whenever I'm think I'm close to getting it, somthing's wrong. I've read nearly everything on this forum to do with the subject of purpose , and yet despite all, it still isnt clear as to how it should be done- again this is fustrating because it now seems multiple purposes should be used for the same subject/paper/ book whatever at the same sitting, it just adds to the confusion. If it is the most important part of the photoreading technique( if not reading in general) then more of this forum should be dedicated to clarifying What Purpose(s) are most suitable for each and different Subjectmatter.
Ie, math, scholarly literature, science ,accounting and mass volumes of notes that need to be consumed etc.

[This message has been edited by hypertext (edited February 25, 2006).]

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Originally posted by hypertext:
Thanks of the suggestions but I'm not touching any new age stuff until I master PR, there is simply no point wasting money on other NLP methods which I researched enough of .Second tapes do little to nothing for me , because I find them to be tacky salesmanship with condescending marketing techniques(especially silva). Even when they speak they just cant rub it off. I don't know, maybe its because I'm not american perhaps , but if I truely wanted to learn psi-stuff I'd study it directly off a guru, nuff said. I can mediate quite deeply without what I find ( annoying and quite subversive) "aphla training". But thats another story.

Great! Because you don't need it.

Coldrayne has moved to a level where purpose is quite intuitive. A place many beginners would like to be overnight. And you don't need anything more than the steps of the system to get there.

As for my purpose , whenever I'm think I'm close to getting it, somthing's wrong. I've read nearly everything on this forum to do with the subject of purpose , and yet despite all, it still isnt clear as to how it should be done- again this is fustrating because it now seems multiple purposes should be used for the same subject/paper/ book whatever at the same sitting, it just adds to the confusion.

It sounds like you're confusing purpose with mind probing questions.

Purpose is like plotting a course on a map. Your starting point is here. The knowledge you currently have about the subject. Your purpose is to drive [read this book to] acquire x, y, z knowledge] so you can reach your destination [goal]

Your goal is what motivates you. You need to want to reach that goal for some reason. It can be so I can have a career in the field of my choice. To impress someone. To do something even better than you are now.

When exploring your purpose for reading ask yourself what's in it for me. What can I do with the information once I have it. Where will it take me? Is that where I want to go.

For school look outside the school walls where is what you are learning going to take you, career wise, finance wise, self-esteem wise? How would you feel about yourself using what you learned in the future?

If it is the most important part of the photoreading technique( if not reading in general) then more of this forum should be dedicated to clarifying What Purpose(s) are most suitable for each and different Subjectmatter.
Ie, math, scholarly literature, science ,accounting and mass volumes of notes that need to be consumed etc.

No can do.. it's personal. Studying to be an accountant might be great fun for one person and a pure bore for another. One wants to be an accountant the other does not. So a purpose is purely yours.

If you want to know if your purpose is good, just check your motivation, curiosity and wanting to acquire the information. If it's not there then you have no purpose which means you're like a ship at sea without a destination.

Where do you want to go with what you learn from the books? Once you have your destination [goal] plot your purpose... what do you need to know to get there. [one book alone probably won't help you to reach your goal. ]

What's in it for you to learn from that book.

By the way. Learn the system first on a topic that interests you. Ironically doing that will show you what purpose is. It's what you want... not what anyone else wants.


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Ok interesting points there alex, I've never given up on the belief that PR works but I have learned that this will not come over night. Obivously it'll take proficient practice on material that interests me to begin with ( 50 books as somone else pointed out before one gets into the flow of things sounds about right). time is not on my hands though as I am a student of industrial engineering which requires alot of technical learning on uninteresting subjects, but out of fear of failing-serving as the motivational purpose - I persist.

Alex you mention before how PR has changed your life - how so for the positive if you could share that with us?

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Hi Juanma. My name is Jordan Lee. I am a medical student at St. Andrews transferring to University of Edinburgh 3rd Year come to September.

I understand your concern. I sympathize with the doubts which you have about this system. I know of them first hand.

Photoreading works. I assure you. However, there is one condition. There can not one ioata of doubt in your mind.

I had a conversation with a friend today at St. Andrews and I came out with the idea that, "Something will not improve unless you're certain that it will improve. That is belief."

In a subject like medicine, there are many opportunities to doubt yourself when you are learning. I have started this book called "Professional Dreamer" by Ghalil ISBN-0-9736894-0-4 which has helped me identify those thought patterns which take away from my desire of being a doctor who knows his stuff and enjoys his job completely.

You do not have to buy the book. Everyone has their own way of mental clearing. But I do suggest you to come with terms that you doubt the manner you read or the extent to which you take in information in. Once you notice your thought patterns as doing this, put up a red flag in your mind, and say eg. "there is the doubt about my photoreading or reading."

This attitude has helped me in perceiving material, my memory, my certainty over other matters. Photoreading has taken new life form.

Take the leap of faith and call your doubt for doubt. You will become a powerful reader, I assure you.

Buena fortuna. Hasta luego.

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I don't think you need necessarily an unshakable belief that it will work but you do need to at least keep an open mind and approach it positively. (What do I have to lose?)

It is right that if you approach anything with negativity, you are sttting yourself up to do badly.


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