Originally posted by rudolflai:
Hi. I want to find out what purpose should i have in order to absorb everything useful(which will appear in the exam) from a text book.
My current purpose is - "I am now going to absorb Chapters e.g.5-6 from this e.g. History for my upcoming History exams."

Is that good enough? Or do I need a better one?

Please reply as soon as possible cause exams are just a weeks away.

Why do you want to pass the history exam? Ultimately that's your real purpose. When you know that then your current purpose statement will probably work beautifully.

And no I don't consider having a purpose of getting an A useful. The first two questions on the exam might stump you triggering an internal signal that you've failed. You haven't actually failed. Your mind just hasn't answered those two questions yet. However with this feeling of failure you're not going to look at the other questions as objectively and will probably perceive them as hard. So you won't be giving them your best shot either.

When focusing on a grade focus on your best PASSING grade. Naturally if you do it right you'll probably land an A. A "B" is probable if you were a little lazy or this time round the subject is harder. A "C" is likely if you've been avoiding the necessary homework till the last minute or this is a subject you have often bombed on in the past, hey, it's a passing grade. When you set yourself realistic goals it's much easier to achieve them.

As already said you probably should be reviewing and not studying for the exam if it's so close. Check any mindmaps you've created and review the infomration you've forgotten.

If you're studying... I sure they gave you more time? Apply the 5 day trest approach in 20-minute blocks. 3 passes with 5 minute breaks between passes, an hour work then take a longer break. Mind map at the end of each activation (if you get to detailed in mind mapping while you activate) Or Mind Map as you go.

You want to be able to review your work the day or so before the exam. Probably looking at it 3 or 4 times throughout the day.


[This message has been edited by Alex K. Viefhaus (edited January 01, 2006).]