Use the Accelerated Learning State to deal with the pain. How you get there when you have pain? By practising it a lot when you don't, then you just go through the motion as best you can. When you get to your ideal state just say. I have a pain in the back. I don't need a pain in the back I want to feel comfortable and pain free. When I open my eyes my back pain will be gone. I fill feel comfortable and limber (or however you want to feel) I do suggest the statement Wide awake, alert and refreshed. Repeat the statements I have no when I open my eyes at the count of five I will be feeling fine and in perfect health, no backache. Then start counting from one to five
at the count of 3 repeat at the count of 5 I will open my eyes feeling fine and in perfect health feeling better than before. ( notice no mention of any pain) continue to count to 5 and at five say wide awake, feeling fine and in perfect health.
