All of you at LS seem very enamoured with Chunyi Lin and I am sure with very good reason. But if you and he truly desire a healer in every family, I would hope that you are working on offering a more affordable way of learning his system. I have used the Level One set for about a month and find it extremely redundant.

It seems to me that the videotape and the tape of sitting exercises are all that is necessary to learn and practice the technique. The rest of it seems superflous considering how much must have been added to the price to incorporate it. Trimming things down would make it much more affordable and result in that many more families having the healer that Chunyi Lin envisions.

I am not sure at this point whether or not I will keep the program, not because I don't like the system but because of its bulk and reflecting high cost

Thank you for the opportunity to express myself. I do love my paraliminals and do not object to a penny that I have spent for them...Harry