=== price ===

I agree it is a lot of money for the course.
You have to decide whether it is worth it for
you. If not return it.

Someone in great health might not want it,
because most people will not prepare for the
future. But I practice every day, even though
I am in great health. I have no idea what my
daily practice will stave off. I'm not going
to take a chance. I plan on living a long,
healthy, and robust life.

I also receive more calls from people saying
the course is priced too low than I receive
from people saying it is too high.

I received a call from a customer named Carmen
yesterday. She has a form of lymphoma. She
talked with me when she first ordered the
course a couple of months ago--I hung up the
phone almost in tears. I am not a fan of

In the beginning of her practice she did not
have enough energy to practice for but a few
minutes. Thanks to the support of the course
and of her husband, she stayed with it.

She told me her energy improved dramatically,
she can take the cancer treatments without
being flattened by them, and she has never
felt better.

She called me to say that her doctor asked a
group of nurses to study Spring Forest Qigong,
because of her remarkable come back.

I am thoroughly convinced that it is a good
value at any price.

A part of every dollar you spend on the course
will go to realize Chunyi's vision of a healer
in every family and a world without pain.

Thanks to the "marketing success" of the
course, we will be able to afford a top notch
public relations effort to support the launch
of the book to get it in as many hands as

We can also afford to spend the quarter of a
million necessary to build an incredible web-
based interactive program, which hopefully
will be out next year.

We are also sending out three million free
video tapes to educate people on Spring Forest
Qigong and what is possible. 60,000ish went
out last week.

Plus, this summer we are releasing a series of
meditations. One's for those with cancer,
another high blood pressure, and another for
arthritis. (I think those are the topics--I'm
at home without my notes.) Chunyi just got out
of the studio after working with musicians to
create music emitting the energy the body
needs to be balanced when confronted with
those issues.

Are we enamored with Chunyi Lin? You bet we
are. But we are more enamored with fulfilling
his vision.

As is the Mayo Clinic that told us two weeks
ago that they just received major funding to
study the effects on breast cancer with

As is the Minnesota HMO Health Partners, which
just announced a high blood pressure study
with 250 patients.

As is my good friend, Annie, who called me on
Thursday with a severe tooth ache. I did a
long distance healing and the pain went away
(long distance healing is in Level 3).

As is thousands of others.

[I edited this message to change formatting to make it easier to read.]

[This message has been edited by Pete Bissonette (edited March 10, 2001).]