Thanks for your thoughtful answer. I do have some kind of irrational faith in your company and Chunyi Lin. Irrational in that I have no actual proof to go on in any of this.

I have been practicing for about a month with no results to speak of, but I do enjoy doing it, though I did not at first. I don't feel that it is hugely overpriced and sure if it works, then as the credit card ads say, "it's priceless". I just felt that for a "simple program" it could have been offered in a more basic package at a more basic price. Some people cannot afford to lay out hundreds of dollars, even if they can get it back.

I guess I will give it the full six months and see what happens. I have to say though that if I don't see very tangible results I will be inclined to return it. This makes me somewhat uncomfortable as obviously i will be able to do the exercises without the aid of the materials by that time anyway, and don't feel totally "right" returning it. Had I only purchased the video and a couple of tapes for say, $100, i would have already decided to keep it no matter what. Maybe i'm just trying to clear my conscience and maybe, too, in 4 months I will be calling you to tell you that it is underpriced. I hope so.

Thanks and best of luck in your efforts.