hojyogi-- qigong exercises create an energy pattern in your energy body and physical body. Mixing patterns is hard on your body, as it has to adjust to changes. The higher level you practice at, the more noticable the adjustment, your body has to make. An easy example that illustrates this, would be someone who has been a vegetarian for a year, and then eats a piece of meat. Usually, the reaction is not good. The body adjusts if you continue to eat meat. If you alternate a meat diet with your vegetarian diet every other day, you never really get the benefits of being a vegetarian. It is best to pick a "diet" and stick to it. Regarding your small circle question: Many orbit meditations are similar, as they address the same thing. Master Lin's small universe tape, has the benefit of his energy connected to it. I hav e practiced more detailed taoist orbit meditations on my own, but not as effective as what I experience with his energy present, and the method he uses. It is simply a matter of choice. What feels good to you. Trust what you feel and follow your intuition. If you are doing two things, when you only have to do one, you probably sense that on some level. Making a commitment to something is the best way to make progress. You always have the choice to stop.
I would be careful with motion/active exercises. Some are very powerful, and could cause sickness or injury if mixed incorrectly.