Originally posted by gallen:
hojyogi-- Regarding your small circle question: Many orbit meditations are similar, as they address the same thing. Master Lin's small universe tape, has the benefit of his energy connected to it. I hav e practiced more detailed taoist orbit meditations on my own, but not as effective as what I experience with his energy present, and the method he uses. It is simply a matter of choice. What feels good to you. Trust what you feel and follow your intuition.
I would be careful with motion/active exercises. Some are very powerful, and could cause sickness or injury if mixed incorrectly.

Could you explain a little bit more to me what you mean when you say that Master Lin's small universe tape has his energy connected with it? I am thinking: aren't the exercises neutral and effective according to the usage of the practioner instead of being effective because of their source (ie. Master Lin in this case)? Also, is it safe to do standing like a tree meditation alongide spring forest qigong exercises and meditations? Would appreciate if anyone has any knowledge in this regard