Originally posted by WanderingBear:
Your point being what? This planet is very old.in the Trillions of years. The material that this planet is made from is far older still.Not all the material was molten when this planet was formed.

Just to be pedantic, the Earth (and the Sun) are 4.6 billion years old.

Now, back to Neo-Matrix:


once again, there has to be SOME beginning, before the *unlimited amount of universes* existed, there was NOTHING in existance.

Why does there?


ok so you said that energy and matter could exist infinitely, and theres no way i could say otherwise since its beyond anyones comprehension, but i still say its far fetched, but thats just my opinion.

That's where you and I differ. You, as a religious person, find the idea of eternal matter and energy far fetched. I, as a physicist, find the idea of a supreme being far fetched. They are both beliefs, to which we are entitled.


from what ive read, you dont really keep an open mind, because if you did, you would be reading the bible right now,

There aren't enough hours in the day to do the things I am interested in, let alone the things I'm not.

to find out the truth.

The truth? Again, that's a very arrogant attitude to have - to say that everything in the Bible is absolute truth and that scientists and (more importantly) people of other religions are wrong. You imply that books like the Koran are just pages of lies. As I've said before, this attitude can only bring on trouble and hatred.