I am glad your experience is positive, and growing. I agree that it is a high calling to do healing work. I also believe that the universe supports that in a big way.
You can bring healing energy into anything, whether you are a teacher, a musician,or mowing lawns...how you view your work, how you do your work, the choices you make in regards to positive choices...healing takes place. Healing others can happen through direct healing work in a medical sense, or through music, art, teaching, spiritual work, taking care of the earth... As an artist, I am aware of what I put into a piece. The colors, the energy, where it comes from...it holds a vibration, that vibration is manifest in the work. When I experienced my first healing session with someone using SFQ, I was so elated by the experience, that I wanted to spend my time doing that, as opposed to my artwork. I opened myself to the possibility to doing that kind of healing work. I ran into alot of people needing healing work, but often the connection wasn't made to them coming to me for healing work. I felt like things weren't clicking in this pursuit. I have since found that my purpose here may or may not define itself that way. It is ok if I make art, heaven supports that too. When healing needs come up, whether it is me, or someone else, I have the tools to work with it. I can meditate and continue transformational work on self, and bring that into whatever work I am doing. What I am saying, is, regardless of whether or not you become a healer in the medical qigong sense, you can apply SFQ to your life and purpose. It provides broad choices of where to focus your selfwork, which inturn has a positive effect on your outward work in relation to other people and other things. In this offering of my own experience, don't be discouraged if a healing practice doesn't manifest itself. If it does , great, if it doesn't, just ask the spirits to show you where to apply yourself, your energywork, to make the world a better place, or fullfill your purpose here. I personally have a feeling my artistic pursuits "will" have somewhat of an end to them , at some point. Or, taper down greatly. I see qigong, and qigong healing work as a great asset going into that phase of my life.

Remember that ones energy should always be balanced. You can be out of balance on any given day, regardless of your level.
Level I and II and not sequential. Level I gives you the means to physically heal yourself, level II continues that, and, has that aspect of technique to heal others. Again, there are lots of choices. Teaching someone level I can be a way to heal another person, and, self empower them. Also shift them into the perspective of their responsibility and ability to heal themselves and stay healthy. Level II is another way to approach healing work. Very direct...but don't lose sight of everything at play. You are obviously gifted, and will contribute wherever or however you apply yourself, as this unfolds for you.