Hi all,

I've been working with the level one course and lurking on this forum for about a month now. Thanks to all who post here, many of my questions have been answered by reading the responses and sometimes I gain insight just from reading your questions.

I have been pretty sick for the last 2 years and am hoping the Qigong will help me get back to my work (myofascial therapist and teacher for 30 years). I can't say I have noticed any changes yet but I have only been doing 1/2 hour a day of active exercises. I enjoy it immensely and intend to continue. I also do the Holosync CD meditations for an hour a day and the small universe meditation about 2 or 3 times a week.

While doing the exercises, I find my mind actively sequencing through the various instructions that master Li gives, concerning: breathing, visualization, intention, feeling the Qi, form, etc. Hardly being in the emptiness!

My question is this...What is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing to focus on? I feel that if I knew that, I could develop one skill at a time and more importantly, slow the mental activity.

Thanks in advance,