Aloha Amstar,

As for "drifting" on this forum - I have received many various requests, ranging from tasking people to minimize acknowledgment after replies to doing something about the "hate" issues that showed up for them on some earlier robust threads. The forum members as a whole have been very respectful, showing Love, kindness and forgiveness to the themselves and others in the forum. This is a place of sharing information, experiences, and compassion that may assist each of us in our experiences with Spring Forest Qigong.

I would just ask all to remember that many viewing these posts don't have a broadband connection, and are looking for more information, or clarification about Spring Forest Qigong. Please honor that by sending any "off-subject" inquiries via personal email (usualy listed in the submitter's bio info).

Many have commented to me about the wonderful support and information source this form has been for them. It's a privilage to be a part of it.

Much Love, Shawn