YOu posted this to Shawn: I very partially, saw your post last night, and didn't sleep too well. I was concerned that I was getting outside the forum's focus, and I was possibly being asked to reign it in a bit!

This is quite a reply to say the least. You need to do some self reflection on this feeling of yours. WHY?

Well, you are the most important and helpful person posting on this DF. Noone brings to the table more experience than you. I personally love your Native American info. It's perfectly in line w/ QI.

You receive RAVE reviews from all of us. Not just a couple of us---all of us look forward to your thoughts and experiences. And we make it a point to thank you over and over again. We even gush over the contents of your posts

So, for you to feel, in any way, that Shawn was referring to you is something you need to reflect on. If she was (which i definitely don't think is the case, then it would be a character fault on her part.

If anything, she was only answering Amstar's query about posting about holosync. I answered that by saying LS advertises CRI holosync and they have Bill Harris and holosync in their Euphoria course. So, it's only natural for it to come up. My posts are fairly short and to the point when i speak about it.

This forum sticks to the topic better than any other forum here. If Shawn needed to do anything, she could easily move a topic to Beyond Human. Finished. Beyond Human is the catch-all for any and all topics that stray. However, i've never even seen anyone move a topic.

don't even think of leaving us---please