
The "she" referral had me smiling in the midst of conversation around the "drifting" inquiry. Obviously my deep voice doesn't come through the written text

"This is a place of sharing information, experiences, and compassion that may assist each of us in our experiences with Spring Forest Qigong."

This forum's sharing is going to bring out our strengths and experiences from a wide variety of backgrounds and studies. At the same time, as Margaret mentions, this forum "sticks the the point", and it does this while bringing in a variety of respectful perspectives. We have done a wonderful job at listing a URL for more information, or sending an email when it starts to drift a bit.

Hopefully Gallen, you won't lose any more sleep after seeing these confirmations that what you write aligns and contributes to the member's practice and lives. My response was to Amstar's question about what "shouldn't" be discussed here. I don't care to come from "shouldn'ts", but rather put it out there for people to continue being honoring in their posts and responses. With this Forum it's like the old adadge "preaching to the choir", but Amstar asked, so I answered. It looks as though it gave us a chance to look at how we're being on the forum, and if it's working for the group.

Once again - "many have commented to me about the wonderful support and information source this forum has been for them. It's a privilage to be a part of it."

Much Love, Shawn