Originally posted by gallen:
Kaiden, your statement about not fully coming back, and being spaced out, or in a sort of hypnotic state, relates to proper closing to one's practice session. Harvesting qi at the end of your exercises puts the qi back in the right places, and wakes you up, brings you back fully in the body, etc.,

Ah, I understand.

I *have* had intense visuals and tactile sensations concurent with them while doing Small Universe. If such things were to happen in any other context, I would have to wonder if I was going mad. However, I had a feeling I was safe, and experience has shown the truth of my intuition. I think my Masters were doing something with my heart channels, since immediately afterwards my high blood pressure went away, and has been stable ever sense, and I have had none of the same intensity of experience since then.

Now, the skeptic would be quick to point out that perhaps my reduction of blood pressure is more because of my loss of 30 pounds since June. ^__^

Either way, I'm lighter, healthier, and more fun to be around.