I like the physical possibilities(gains) within meditation practice, in a stationary sitting position. The pelvic area, tailbone, etc., is quite a dense area, in the sense that, most people are closed in that area. Most men , for instance, encounter postrate problems at some time. I find, in pursuit of longevity, that there is tremendous gain in opening that area. Alot of extra energy, locked in the bones/joints...Doing the physical work of opening up that area, along with the energetic work, is very beneficial. Notice , I said, the pursuit of longevity. Not everyone is, or has to be interested in that. For me, I see the most gain, especially being older, to doing 'sitting' meditation, or pursuing lotus sitting. My experience has been, that it really opens up that area. I have experienced kundalini opening, primarily from that pursuit. I don't know alot about that, so don't ask! I know I have experienced it, and it was a physical opening, bridging to spiritual. A side effect, for me, to working on opening that area, for sitting meditation, or in sitting meditation. You can certainly bring a meditative state , sm universe, or whatever, into different 'positions', but I think there is great value in pursuing lotus sitting, and also being 'still'. You can't be as 'formless' when you have to watch your step at the same time. Just breathing into the lower dan tien is a nice simple awareness and practice, to do, as one moves around. Breathing of the universe is very close to just that, with the added benefit of releasing.