I know that there are three main areas of chi work; medical, spiritual, and martial. I also suspect that the separation between these three is not delineated by a hard boundary.

I always thought of the martial system as the form to strengthen the body. The medical systems like SFQ are for a healthy body. They are not the same idea, but they are not contradictory ideas.

The core idea I want to get at is, can I use SFQ to improve the strength of my body and not just my health. My issue is I want to be strong and healthy. I keep injurying (minor) myself while I'm exercising. They are injuries of repetition and not accident. I figured that a more flexible and strong body would not be as susceptible to these injuries and cause me to back-off from exercise.

I've been considering working the strength and flexibility into the self-concentration meditation.

Any comments on the ideas dribbled here is appreciated.

You are perfection.