Hi Iam2:

Injuries are frustrating because we see them as setbacks and holding us back from reaching higher goals. Remember though that they are also opportunities to practice your SFQ healing on yourself. Get those sword fingers out and heal thyself!

I suspect from all your posts that you are destined to be a great healer and great healers sometimes have to suffer the injuries so they can have empathy for their patients and understand better how to heal. Master Lee has mentioned this in his lectures that people who suffer from and overcome (example -- cancer) often go on to be great healers to help others (with cancer).

Often when people get injured they are just trying to do too much too fast. Sometimes it is deeper and they are afraid of success and the injuries give them an excuse for not being successful. Spend more time doing the warm up and cool down. Block the time out for your activity and push the busy things of life out of your mind and enjoy the time with your physical body. Probably most important is to pick activities that you really enjoy doing and fresh air outside is always best for me. Personally I never found a hike I didn't like. Some kind of yoga and stretching routine 3x per week is pretty much a requirement with this path. I find that getting the heart rate up is a good thing as well. I always find that music helps kick the enjoyment up a notch if you are confined to quarters in all that snow. Brrrrrrrr.

Just some suggestions. You'll find what is right for you and do those great things. There is plenty of time so enjoy the ride... splint and all.

Agent B