
Still thinking about you this morning. Go to the library and check out Dan Millman. He was a PE major in college and real fitness nut and has written some good books. If you can find, "Everyday Enlightenment" on page 83 he has the "Peaceful Warrior Workout." You can scan over all that but do photocopy pages 114 and 115 (you can get both pages copied on one page). This is the quick reference quide and it gives you 15 quick exercises to energize you and get you in shape. Pin it up on the wall so you can't miss it every morning and "just do it!" 3x per week or more. Over the years, I have modified this to suit my tastes and add some free weights but I did only his workout this morning and must admit I'm totally charged up and ready to go. Not surprising some of the exercises are the same as Master Lin's and Gallen's.

If you can't find the book or don't have time, e-mail me and I'll send you the quick reference guide. Anyone else who wants it for that matter just drop me an e-mail.

Dan is an inspiration as R U 2!

Have a strong and energetic day,
Agent B