
Yesterday (6/2/04), was extremely tough on me b/c it marked one month since my beautiful and beloved mother's passing on 5/2/04. We were extremely close and when she passed on it literally felt as if my heart had been yanked out.

For the past month, I cycle from feelings of grief, anguish, anger, shock, numbness, disbelief, etc., each and everyday. Nights are the worst b/c that's when my thoughts are the loudest. It's typical of me now to succumb to sleep at 2:30 - 3am b/c that's when I think my body finally gives out.

I want to thank you and bless you for your posting of this insightful and enlightening article. It puts into words exactly what my family and I am going through; I have made copies and mailed it to each of my siblings to help with the healing process. I know that in the future I will reciprocate your act of kindness by sharing this article with someone who I see is mourning the loss of a loved one.

Thank you again and God Bless you & everyone,
