Dear Web.......In my Dianetics practice I deliver therapy sessions to people who are afflicted with many pains and sorrows.
The grief of losing a very close friend or relative can be completely released by Dianetics, thus allowing you to get on with life. There is no value in being held back, nor live life fixated on the loss with grief.

Usually it takes one session to bring about a full release of sadness, but with many people it takes 2 or 3 sessions. The release is quite dramatic, and when the session is over, my clients are bright, happy, and ready to move on.

And yes, we humans do live life after life after life. Reincarnation is a reality of life. We Americans, or the western world, find reincarnation to be strange, bizarre, and impossible.

Well over 50% of the world's population, however, believe in it.

One of the biggest joys in life is to
make contact with your past, and when we do so, it usually is to clean up the mess we left behind------i.e. admitting and confessing our evil deeds, for it is these
actions that paralyze the spirit. It is
these that limit our powers. It is these
actions that blind us to our spiritual essence.

In the Bible there are many references to the God within. Indeed we are
part of the Divinity.

When Master Lin repeats these words "I am in the universe, the universe
in my body, the universe and I are
combined together," ----those words
mean more than mere flesh and blood.

The spiritual energy of the universe
partly consists of the physical energy, but MAINLY spiritual energy........i.e. OUR ENERGY.

that's how I see it.

Originally posted by WebCrawler2010:
So much is written here about healing, etc., and I'm grateful for that. However, I’ve recently lost someone that I was/am extremely close to and I’m just trying to make sense and get a grip on what has transpired. Has Master Lin ever delved into a detailed explanation regarding his views about what happens to a person once they pass on?