Hello Agent B/Dianetics85,

Thx for reaching out and especially for your warm and supportive words.

Agent B, I am deeply appreciative about what you wrote in your reply regarding posting a question to my Mom during the sun meditation and asking her how to move forward (what a comforting and fascinating idea). However, I’ve momentarily stopped meditating because I’ve been too emotional, feelings of grief, anger and panic. I dunno, it’s just that whenever I’m by myself and I close my eyes (mostly nights around bedtime), I immediately see an image of my Mom, and then the realization that she’s gone crashes in and I get that jolt of pain in my heart area. In addition, I recall from listening to one of Master Lin’s tape whereby he states that meditating while in a highly emotional state is not good. So, it’s definitely something I will do once I begin to feel a bit of ease with being alone with my thoughts.

Your last paragraph was beautiful and encouraging. It reminded me so much about my Mother and that is, that no matter how bad she was feeling, whether she was in a lot pain, etc., you wouldn’t even know it because she was always warm, kind, considerate and especially helpful to others. I know deep within my heart that I will honor her memory by continuing this legacy and doing like she did. Thanks for helping me to remember that I want to be like my Mom.

Dianetics85, the therapy/releasing sessions that you wrote about is highly intriguing and merits further inquiry not only for myself, but especially for my brothers and sisters. How essentially does this process work and what does it entail? I must confess that I do feel a bit of resistance thinking about the process and the thought of moving on. I guess I’m a bit troubled with the notion that if I release my sorrow then it would mean that I’ll forget her and that I love her less. Intellectually I realize these thoughts are ludicrous, ridiculous even, but it’s the first thing that comes to my mind. Anyway…

God bless and kindest regards,
