jeffdengr, I reread my post and I understand how my Star War analogy which has the good guy bad guy imagery could be taken as a "Don't do it" statement. It wasn't meant that way. I agree that both Yoda and Dooku think they are right. If you consider hundreds (or is it thousands) of Jedi and only a few Sith. Who is a greater agent for restoring balance to the universe.

Master Lin's message is one of healing. I trust that his is a true path for growth to healing. I also trust that much of his teaching can be used for other than healing. I also feel confident that he would not say that his teachings cover the entire scope of qigong or human growth.

Master Lin has identified Confidence and Faith as two of six key elements in SFQ. I've chosen to express these elements in the system he has developed.

I try to be careful to not advice when I do not have a strong feeling to direct. For this question, for this person I've chosen to share some thoughts. I've chosen to come from my conscious mind with caring.

My last statement about what constitutes "following" his teaching is truely MY concern. I'm naturally curious and want to explore and grow too. Currently I elected to only engage other material on an intellectual level and not a practice. However, that is my choose.

I really believe that Master Lin would say you can and should follow your own path. However, he would probably say that you should choose one system and master it to a significant level, then when you have the resource to see chart your own course then you should use the resource to follow your path. I think it comes down to believing if the conscious mind is the best tool for guidance. I know I did for forty years. Now I'm choosing a different balance for making my decisions.

I understand that each person's path is unique. That the path of least resistance isn't necessarily the path to greatest enlightenment. I know the first 20 years of my life were very easy, but in my next 20 years I had to learn some things that others had already learned.

Is using other systems good better best? I don't know. When I learn about so many other techniques they all seem so similar to me. Like they are approaching the same sort of thing from different directions. I don't think any of them are wrong or bad, just different.

I personally, have chosen to follow Master Lin. Once I have attained a level of mastery with his system it may be time for me to follow another path. I don't know and I choose to stand here and now and see my next step. I have other wants and desires that would pull me from the path, but I've chosen to follow this one. I know that for me this is the right chose. Twenty years ago, maybe even five years ago I wouldn't had that confidence in my own knowledge and decision, but today I know it is correct for me. I find that looking inwards has given me something that I don't get from looking outwards. I still do both. I guess you should always keep a balance and a flow between the two. I feel that for me Master Lin is the best teacher for charting that course inward.

I am not advising either way on this question. I do see it as difficult. I'm am just sharing. I personally wish some people try mixing, because I would like to have some information about that path. However, I would also wish each person the best for them.

I want the best for my children and so I often tell them No, because that is want they need.

You are perfection.