Aloha 4space, jeffdengr, Alex, Iam2,Yoda, Dooku, and all the rest at this Mos Eisly Spaceport,

Wow, with all the SW analogies flying around, I'm surprised Mayflower hasn't shown up with at least a smile. Iam2, with eating and size innuendos about me earlier in the year in this Forum, you'd get a kick out of the fact that my youngest sister's nickname for me is Jabba.

I appreciated your post Alex:

In a sense looking for entrainment from tapes and CDs while doing qigong is like saying to yourself that you don't trust your brain to go to the right place to experience the emptiness we also rob ourselves of awareness of getting there. We get there but in our mind it was the entrainment CD that did it.

Chuyni did not have objections to the Holosync work that was apart of the same Euphoria course he had a section in, however he'd recommend giving it and SFQ their individual time.

jeffdengr: Learning Strategies does do endorsement mailings regarding CenterPointe's Holosync program now and then. The reason you haven't seen them is probably due to our marketing's selection system -why should they send it to you when you already have the course? Drop in on our website throughout this next year -I think you'll find some things of interest.

Much Love, Shawn

[This message has been edited by Shawn_Grim (edited August 25, 2004).]