Iam2; I understand your position very well. After my early years doing Vietnam and stumbling around the Bering Sea fishing I finally met probably the greatest teacher in my life who made me work on breathing and meditation. For 5 years, everyday, I did this and went through so many changes becoming more calm and complete until one day, I received a message from the Masters, "You are done.Get out of here and go back to work". It changed me forever. In doing that training I would not have left it for anything else in the world. My Teacher was not a healer but a very energetic being who graciously helped me. Master Lin, it is easy to detect, that he is also a great Living Treasure and time spent with him is priceless.

My point in this not to say anything negative but that something looks like it needs to be worked out regarding those who practise Holosync Meditation and also Spring Forest Qigong as these numbers are going to increase. And these people should be made to feel welcome. Right now it seems to get this mark against it called "Mixing Practices" which I believe is a misunderstanding.

Another point I would like to bring up is that life is an open system. We don't just run on train tracks or live in a box. We fly to space, we sail the seas, we shrink ourselves into sub atomic particles and expand to the ends of the Universe. We also do all the everyday tasks of living.As a person developes they can take on more and more.

Shawn, I will look at the Web Page. If there is reference to Centerpointe then I stand corrected. Thank you for pointing it out.
